The current mood of at
2002-08-02 2:08 a.m.

-------------FUCK THE WORLD-------------

Today wasn't that bad, I had a pretty good workout, ran about 2 miles and did 105 flutter kicks and worked really my sister harder than she wanted. This time she actually showed up at the gym and I wanted to make sure she got a good workout and the whole time she is telling me "I hate you, why are you doing this to me?" But she did it and didn't give up. I guess that is the key find the right motivation for someone and they will do whatever it takes, her's is anger... I love it.

There was no change in the emotions I had today, even though I had a call today around 12ish and she called me from work just to talk and ask some questions about costumes and it was nice to talk to her. But it is wierd she normally tells me that she can't talk while she is at work, but she calls me, I guess everyone needs to talk to Fenton alittle, who knows?? And why should I worry, I will just go with the flow...

Speaking of going with the flow, that seems to be the best thing one can do in a tight spot, just let things go on around you and see where you fit in. I think that I will try this out for while, until I see my opprtunity to get what I want and then take what I want, which is just perfect...

Fenton has a plan, if you want to know just ask, even if you don't really give a damn


---Fuck the World---

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