The current mood of at
2003-05-14 2:29 p.m.

Well I have returned to the world yet again and with various amounts of different news....

Let me first remind everyone that I still hate NJ and that fact shall never change...

OK onto the different/good news. There is a chance I could be leaving the hellish state sooner that first thought, and it could be a very nice mission for the Fenton. The opition that everyone is opting for is in Sunnypoint, NC, right on the beach working a port. We would be the only military personal there, that would be sweey as pussy (sorry if I offend anyone with that comment, it is very true...I love PEACHES)

Also I have really good news, I am speaking (well emailing) with my best friend again...this dates back to a time when I was a moron and he hated me. Now we are trying to atleast stay in contact with each other, which is great I miss very much talking to him and such. Hell we have been friends since the 7th grade and I am now 24 freaking years old, that is a long friendship and I will do whatever is necessary to keep it.

Sitting here in the library finally getting a chance to catch up on a few things I realize that I really don't mind the Army life and even after this deployment is over, I think I just might stick around and do a few years, hell I am in the process of looking through various colleges to take some online classes so hell I might even graduate one one would ever expect that one...

I supposed that is enough for now, I will leave in a good mood and still high from the medications that I am taking....YAY ME!!

That's all for play kids...


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