The current mood of at
2002-10-11 6:31 p.m.

That's it, it is offical the end of the world, after watching Congress pass 2/3 vote to 'invade' Iraq, yet another shooting in VA, and the topper Jimmy fucking Carter won the Noble Peace Prize... I am going to find the nearest party and keep it going, cause this is the end of the world party. All I can do is wait for the 40 foot high flaming letters saying "I'm Sorry" across the sky.

Now I will explain each of these in detail...

First lets go with the wonderful FBI think tank and thier work on catching the "Sniper" that has been killing in the Fredricksburg area: 1. After killing 6 people and wounding 2 they decide that the killer must be military trained. Because those that did not die were shot in the upper left shoulder (one was a 13 year old boy and the other was an elderly man), and those that died were hit with precise shots that killed them instarntly. 2. The killer is driving and shooting a high power rifle one-handed, now think about this for a moment -- firing a gun that takes two hands just to hold up and has enough recoil to leave a nasty bruise, but he fires it one-handed and doesn't miss. My only question is what the fuck is the FBI think tank made up of, this must be the largest bunch of morons in one group since the last Bush family reunion...

That was step one to the end of the world, now onto step two, the senate voting more than 2/3 to support the destruction/takeover/whatever of Iraq: 1. My only basis of thinking that this is even brought up at all is that Colin Powell must have taken a vacation and little Georgy alone in the oval office for the week, I mean come on Colin, lock the door and take the key or Dubya will try to play world domination again 2. It must be "I wanna be like Dad week" in Washington, because I don't think that Dubya would come up with these ideas on his for some side news - A republican friend of mine (yes I know I have friends that are republican and I haven't killed them yet, but all in time) said that Jeb Bush, the other brother, has hinted that he may run for the office of President in the next only response to this is to start packing and I am moving to Quebec, at least there I know I hate everyone and they all hate me, I mean the only thing worse than three Bushes in office is a large group of French Canadians....but I would rather deal with the French Canadians than yet another 4 years of a different Bush...

Last but certainly not in the least is the annoucning that Jimmy "my finger is always up my own ass" Carter won the Noble Peace Prize *head drops and tears pour* WHAT THE HELL???? 1. He recieved this award for his acts on Human Rights and his peace negoations at Camp David in 1978.. so be it, but it wasn't nearly enough to even put him in the running for the damn award. I guess that peace is such a strange concept to the Noble Committee they just pull freaking names out of a hat....

AHYWHO, it was announced today at 11:42 am in the presence of many witnesses (people sittiing around in the Subway here on campus) that the world died, so please everyone have your parties and enjoy the end, because this is it....

That's all for Play Kids. . .


(on a side note -- there will be a big "YAY!!" for a friend of mine, nickname Flounder, because he passed the Bar earlier and now can continue his career as a lawyer in West Virginia. But that also adds to the 'end of the world' theory, especially since I looked at is liscnese and it actually says "Valid until Revoked" which means he can practice law in WV untli someone says "hey you know that law license that you have, we want that back now...." oh well, Great job anyway Flounder (real name Ryan Kessee)

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